2013/09-2017/07 生态学、理学博士, 中国科学院水土保持研究所、中国科学院大学
2010/09-2013/07 水产养殖、农学硕士,上海海洋大学、中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
2006/09-2010/07 生态学、理学学士,山东航空学院
2025-至今 榆林学院现代农学院,教授、副院长
2019/11-2024 榆林学院生命科学学院,副教授
2023/09-2024/09 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 访问学者
2017/07-2019/10 榆林学院生命科学学院,讲师
4. 陕西省重点研发计划-陕北旱作有机谷子栽培新技术集成与示范(2021NY-101),主持
1. Hou X, Chu R, Zhang N, Yan J*. Synergistic function of abscisic acid and β-amylase contributed to relatively high biomass accumulation in wild ancestral green foxtail under water deficit. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2025.221, 109620(corresponding author)
2. Hou X, He W, Zhang Y, Zhang N, Yan J*, Chen Y. Maize-straw biochar enhances soil properties and grain yield of Foxtail millet in a newly reclaimed land. Agronomy. 2024. 14, 2465(corresponding author)
3. Chang L, Liu R, Yan J*, Zhang S. Unperforated film-covered planting contributes to improved film recovery rates and foxtail millet grain yields in sandy soils. Agricultural Water Management. 2024. 294, 108737(corresponding author)
4. 李博洋, 叶茵, 楚睿雯, 井苗, 张岁岐, 严加坤*. 施加生物炭对谷子干物质积累、转运、分配和土壤理化性质的影响. 作物学报. 2024. 50 (03): 695-708.
5. Yan J*, Lou L, Bai W, Zhang S, Zhang N*. Phosphorus deficiency is the main limiting factor for re-vegetation and soil microorganisms in Mu Us Sandy Land, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment.2023. 900, 165770
6. Zhang N, Chu R, Zhang N, Yan J*. Seaweed fertilizer improved drought tolerance of tomato seedlings in sandy soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2023: 1-12 (corresponding author)
7. Yang X, Liu R, Jing M, Zhang N, Liu C, Yan J*. Variation of root soluble sugar and starch response to drought stress in foxtail millet. Agronomy. 2023; 13(2):359(corresponding author)
8. Zhang N, Huang S, Lei H, Lei X, Liu P, Yan J*. Changes in soil quality over time focusing on organic acid content in restoration areas following coal mining. Catena. 2022. 218. 106567(corresponding author)
9. Yang X, Tian Q, Yan J*, Chen Y, Characterizing root morphological traits in 65 genotypes of foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) from four different ecological regions in China, Agronomy 2022.12,1472 (corresponding author)
10. Yan JK, Li HP, Li Y, Zhang N, Zhang SQ. Abscisic acid synthesis and root water uptake contribute to exogenous methyl jasmonate-induced improved tomato drought resistance. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 2022.16,183-193
11. Yan JK, Liu PL. Does complex soil enhance grain yield under cropping system? Agronomy. 2021, 11, 1502.
12. Yan JK, Zhang NN, Kang FR, Wang JW, Wang XL. Cultivar replacement increases water use efficiency in foxtail millet in Shaanxi Province, China. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021. 164: 73-81
13. 严加坤,张宁宁,张岁岐. 谷子对干旱胁迫的生理生态响应. 生态学报. 2021. 41(21): 8612-8622
14. Zhang N.; Yan JK*.; Liu P. Effect of bacterial manure on the properties of complex soil and growth of ryegrass. Agronomy 2021, 11, 568. (corresponding author)
15. Sun Y.; Zhang N.; Yan JK *; Zhang S. Effects of soft rock and biochar applications on millet (Setaria italica L.) crop performance in sandy soil. Agronomy. 2020, 10, 669(corresponding author)
16. Yan JK, N Zhang &F. Kang. Jasmonate improved Cd resistance in maize seedlings by regulating spermidine synthesis. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology.2020. 24:171‒178
17. Yan JK, Ningning Zhang, Xiaolin Wang, SuiqiZhang. Differences in the physiological responses of Rht13 and rht wheat lines to short-term osmotic stress. Cereal Research Communications. 2020. 48 (1): 41-47