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梁飞虹 博士

2023年04月26日    admin      阅读次数:[]

梁飞虹,男,1993年生,中共党员,副教授,工学博士。本硕博均就读于华中农业大学,202212月博士毕业于华中农业大学农业碳中和工程技术与装备研究中心,2019年在英国剑桥大学丘吉尔学院访学,20214月到202210月在比利时鲁汶大学(KU LeuvenDivision of Soil and Water Management联合培养。20231月起在榆林学院任教,主要从事CO2生态利用相关研究,研究方向包括植物对土壤源CO2的固定,人工碳浓缩机制,微生物固碳,土壤碳汇增强等。已在相关领域发表论文16篇,其中以第一作者在Science of the total environment, Environmental & Experimental Botany, Journal of CO2 utilization, Environmental Technology & Innovation等期刊发表SCI/EI等论文10篇(影响因子大于10的论文2篇,1篇入选中国知网学术精要数据库高被引论文),申请发明专利6项,授权3项,授权实用新型专利7项,主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家级、省级科研项目等4项。


[1] Feihong Liang, Shihui Wei, Lanlan Wu, Shuiping Yan. Improving the value of CO2 and biogas slurry in agricultural applications: A rice cultivation case. Environmental and experimental botany. 2023, 208:105233.

[2] Liang Feihong, Feng Liang, Liu Nan, He Qingyao, Ji Long, Jo De Vrieze, & Yan Shuiping. An improved carbon fixation management strategy into the crop-soil ecosystem by using biomass ash as the medium. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2022, 28: 102839.

[3] Feihong Liang, Lang Xu, Long Ji, Qingyao He, Lanlan Wu, Yi Ran, & Shuiping Yan. A new approach for biogas slurry disposal by adopting CO2-rich biogas slurry as the flower fertilizer of Spathiphyllum: Feasibility, cost and environmental pollution potential. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 770: 145333.

[4] Feihong Liang, Wenjie Yang, Lang Xu, Long Ji, Qingyao He, Lanlan Wu, Yi Ran, Shuiping Yan, Closing extra CO2 into plants for simultaneous CO2 fixation, drought stress alleviation and nutrient absorption enhancement. Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2020, 42: 101319.

[5] Liang Feihong, Tu Te, Yu Ge, Wang Wenchao, He Qingyao, Yan Shuiping, & Ran Yi. Ecological treatment of MEA aqueous solution using hydroponic method. International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment,2018, 19(3-4):143-155.

[6]. Feihong Liang, Zhan Shi, Shihui Wei, Lanlan Wu, Shuiping Yan. What is the appropriate content of HCO3- irrigated into tomato cultivation soil for enhancing its carbon fixation? Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2023, 32:103332

[7].Feihong Liang, Zhan Shi, Shihui Wei, Shuiping Yan. Biogas slurry purification-lettuce growth nexus: nutrients absorption and pollutants removal. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 890: 164383.

[8] 梁飞虹,孙豆,涂特,纪龙,贺清尧,晏水平. 基于膜空气吹扫技术的农业温室增施CO2研究[J]. 农业机械学报, 2021, 52(11):351-357.

[9] 梁飞虹, 崔秋芳, 涂特, 余歌, 王文超, 晏水平. 基于水培技术的沼液净化及生菜品质提升[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(4):788-795.



Senior member of International Association for Carbon Capture.

担任Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Technology & Innovation, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Frontiers in Plant Science等多个国际期刊审稿人。

Senior member of International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC)

Senior Member of Chinese-European Society for Environment, Ecology & Sustainability (CESEES)

国际期刊Modern Agriculture副编委

担任Modern Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Technology & Innovation, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Science of the Total Environment, 西南农业学报等国内外高水平期刊同行评审专家


[1]. 国家自然科学基金(地区项目),矿山生态修复区基于碳浓缩的碳汇快速强化机理(32360335),2024-202732万。主持

[2]. 榆林学院高层次人才科研启动基金,基于沼液浓缩的CO2在番茄生态系统中的固定研究(2023GK47),2023-202625万。主持

[3]. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),基于生物质灰和沼液可再生吸收剂体系的沼气-CCS新机制(52076101),2021-202458万。参与

[4]. 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年人才项目,面向氮肥、中水和生物天然气生产的畜禽养殖废水资源化利用关键科学问题研究(2020CFA107),2020-202330万。参与

上一条:薛璐 博士



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